Prior to viewing the website, and available Court forms, you must read the following DISCLAIMER
The forms and information available on this website are not intended as legal advice and should not be considered as such. They are provided only for reference purposes. The content and format of forms not specifically determined by a Georgia statute or court rule may require modification to suit the specific facts of a given case.
The publication of these forms is in no way a representation that they are appropriate for use in a particular case or situation, or that they are adequate for use without modification and/or elaboration.
In addition, the law may change at any time, making current forms outdated. You should always research and review those statutes and procedural rules that pertain to your case to ensure that the complaint, answer, motion, or other document you are filing is accurate and in compliance with current Georgia law.
To ensure the proper use of any of these forms, you should consult a licensed attorney.
The information and forms available on this website are free. They are not for sale. By using this website, you agree not to sell or make a profit in any way from any information or forms that you obtained through this website (this does not include licensed attorneys utilizing these forms in a specific case).
If you have questions about how any of the information and/or forms contained on this website relate to your case, we strongly recommend that you contact a licensed attorney.
By using the forms on this website,
www.gwinnettcourts.com, you are certifying that you have read, understand, and agree with this DISCLAIMER. The Gwinnett Judicial Circuit, its officials, employees, agents and/or anyone contributing to the creation of the forms, instructions, other materials, frequently asked questions, and all other information provided on or by
www.gwinnettcourts.com assume no responsibility for, and shall be held harmless for, any and all damages (direct, indirect and/or consequential) resulting from your reliance and/or use of any information, forms, and/or materials.
The use of the information and forms on
www.gwinnettcourts.com does not guarantee any particular outcome in court.